Amameh Mountains

Picture ID: 10549 - Order
Amameh is a big village of QasranRudbar, and located in the city Shamiran, Tehran, Iran. The village is 5 kilometers east of the main road from Tehran to Shemshak and is located not far from the Fasham. Amameh is high and cold mountain villages on the southern slopes of the Alborz mountains central.
This photo is related to many years ago. I was young and had a great interest in climbing. The area had high peaks with a maximum height of 4000 meters. The mountain was steep and difficult path. However, I managed to climb with heavy photography equipment. Of course my friends helped me a lot. The name of this peak is the OLD WOMAN KLUM. Its height is 3850 meters.
For this image, I used my Hasselblad 500 C/M camera and Carl Zeiss Distagon 50/4 CFi lens. The image recorded with aperture 16 and shutter speed 1/8 seconds by using Hoya red filter, on ILford PAN 100 roll film.