Mount Damavand in spring

Picture ID: 20512 - Order
Reineh, is located within Larijan of Amol city. Reineh is the closest city to Mount Damavand. Climbers who want to climb of south ridge, to Mount Damavand, must to cross the Reineh road. Scenic areas and interesting Reineh, is spa Larijan and Poppies prairie. Reineh Poppies prairie is one of the best views of Mount Damavand. For this image, I used a wide angle lens. Therefore, for highlighted the foreground, I got close to rock, and put Poppies and Damavand Peak in the background image. Because the my camera Panoral 45 hasn't the ability to Tilt. I put a little down the head camera. And, adjust the camera in hyperfocal distance. I closed the aperture to f22, and put the Schneider IIIC center filter on Super angulon 75/5.6 and captured in 1/4 sec. I use Fuji Velvia 50, 120 roll film on 6x12cm roll film back.