Alamut and rows of mountainous trees

Picture ID: 20526 - Order
Alamut is a regional in Qazvin province, which consists of two parts of the Western Alamut and East Alamut in the Alborz Mountains. This lush green area has long been inhabited by different tribes and has a long history of Iranian civilization and history. Hassan Sabbah castle and Evan Lake are among the most famous parts of the area.
Alamut area is one of the most beautiful areas near the city of Qazvin. I've gone to this pristine area several times. And every time I discovered beautiful landscapes. For this picture I climbed a huge hill. The subject was very interesting. The trees were placed in a row. I got close to the trees, so I could use a wide angle lens. But unfortunately, he did not have an interesting look. So I decided to get a bit further away and use a taller lens. So all the trees were placed inside my frame.
For this image, I used the Panoral 617 camera. I set my tripod in convenient location, and put my camera with Schneider Apo Symmar 210/5.6 lens on it. The lens was set at a hyperfocal distance, and the image recorded, with aperture 22 and shutter speed 1/60 seconds on Fuji Velvia 50 6x17cm roll film.