The last days of autumn trees in Mazandaran

Picture ID: 30576 - Order
Mazandaran Province is one of the most densely populated provinces in Iran and has diverse natural resources, notably large reservoirs of oil and natural gas. The diverse nature of the province features plains, prairies, forests and rainforest stretching from the sandy beaches of the Caspian Sea to the rugged and snowcapped Alborz sierra, including Mount Damavand, one of the highest peaks and volcanos in Asia.
In the last days of autumn, trees with low leaves have a special beauty. Their beauty is added when they are in certain situations. One of these conditions is the position in certain lights. In my opinion, the backlight is one of the most beautiful lighting. As we know, backlight is not controllable in nature. In fact, in certain moments, this situation is achieved. And its lifespan is very short. I am very happy that I was able to capture this image with the beautiful back light.
For this photo, I used my Hasselblad 500 C/M camera and Carl Zeiss ُSonnar 180/f4 CF lens. The image recorded with aperture 16 and shutter speed 1/30 seconds on Fuji Velvia 50 film.