Firuzkuh autumn on a farm

Picture ID: 30563 - Order
Firuzkuh is a county in Tehran Province in Iran. It is located north-east of Tehran, in the middle of Alborz Mountains. The city has a relatively cool and windy climate. It has some natural attractions and is famous for them, including Vashi canyon.
Due to the cold weather in the Firuzkuh region, autumn is coming sooner than anywhere else. Although the trees in this picture are not yet fully yellow, it will happen very quickly. The farm is one of the most beautiful parts of the region. I have come to this farm many times.
For this image, I used my Hasselblad 500 C/M camera and Carl Zeiss Distagon 50/4 CFi lens. I put the camera on the tripod. And I adjusted the lens on the hyperfocal. The image recorded with aperture 22 and shutter speed 1/15 seconds on Fuji Velvia 50 120 roll film.