Firuzkuh in beautiful spring

Picture ID: 30539 - Order
Firuzkuh is a county in Tehran Province in Iran. It is located north-east of Tehran, in the middle of Alborz Mountains. The city has a relatively cool and windy climate. It has some natural attractions and is famous for them, including Vashi canyon.
There are many tourist attractions and Firuzkuh. Because of cold weather, more in the warm seasons of the year, people travel for leisure and visiting historical monuments in the area. Vashi canyon is a place, with tourist attractions that are located approximately 15 kilometers northwest of the city of Firuzkuh. Vashi canyon due to good weather in the summer, is host to throngs of travelers and tourists.
For this photo, I used my Panoral 45 my handy camera and Schneider Super Angulon 90/5.6 lens. I kept the IIIC Schneider center filter in front of the lens by hand. The image recorded, with aperture 22 and shutter speed 1/2 seconds on Kodak E100VS 4x5in film.