Cypress trees in Firuzkuh

Picture ID: 10579 - Order
Firuzkuh is a county in Tehran Province in Iran. It is located north-east of Tehran, in the middle of Alborz Mountains. The city has a relatively cool and windy climate. It has some natural attractions and is famous for them, including Vashi canyon.
In general, cypress trees are very common throughout Iran. This tree is used as a land ownership border in almost every farm and garden in Iran. Their branches are used to make shovels and pickaxes. I am very interested in them because they are regular and tall trees, they will be very visible in the photos. Their skin is usually very light, so there is a contrast between the leaves and the trunk.
I used Schneider Symmar-S 150/5.6 on Panoral 45 camera and got attached a Hoya red filter on the lens, then shoot by 1/8sec at f22 on Ilford FP4 PLUS 4x5in sheet film.