Poplar trees in Firuzkuh

Picture ID: 10551 - Order
Firuzkuh is a county in Tehran Province in Iran. It is located north-east of Tehran, in the middle of Alborz Mountains. The city has a relatively cool and windy climate. It has some natural attractions and is famous for them, including Vashi canyon.
This image was captured on an autumn day. Tall poplar trees were quite yellow. And completely their color was distinguished from other trees. On the other hand, the mountain background was a little darker than the trees. And it was aggravated by sunlight on trees. I used a tele photo lens to separate this scene. And I think I was somewhat successful.
For this image, I used my Hasselblad 500 C/M camera and Carl Zeiss Sonnar 180/f4 CF lens. The image captured with aperture 16 and shutter speed 1/4 seconds on Fortepan 200 6.5x9cm sheet film.